Thursday, January 24, 2008

Opps Broke My New Years Resolution

Yes I broke my New Years Resolution to blog everyday and I will repent to the blogging pope. School has been crazy these first 2 weeks back. I hope it lets up because I've been invited by my uncle to come back down to Houston (a city after my heart) <3> so bad ; ) !!! Onto a fashion note - I seem to be wearing my Steve Madden suede boots almost everyday to class. I had a freshman as me "Don't those hurt?" Now I'm thinking of course they hurt but beauty is pain and then there is the fact that I wear heels so much I don't feel it anymore . But what I told her was "If you find a pair of shoes that fit properly they won't hurt(little lie), plus the fact that I'm so short I need all the help I can get!" So naive when they first arrive. And on an ending note I feel a need to mention Heath's passing. God bless his family and I hope that the media will leave it alone. Let the family grieve and quit being malicious. OK, I'm off my soap box and I hope y'all have a great day. And as always ...

Yours in Fashion in Nowhere

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Oh Manolo Manolo!

As you can see in my profile pic I own a pair of gorgeous Manolo Blahnik Exotic Water snake Boots Yum! Yum! Anyone who has even tried on a pair of Manolo Blahniks will swear that they are one of if not the most comfortable shoes available. I adore my boots and wear them oh so much. So here is the problem, (because there has to be a problem right!?) the snake skin requires maintenance and I don't have a problem with that . I just don't know who to trust my gorgeous and fabulous boots to here in Waco, TX. Sure there are western boot places, but will they truly appreciate the work of art that they are holding in there hands and caring for. I don't want just anyone conditioning my shoes. I probably sound like a spoiled little brat. Here I am complaining about finding care for my well over $1K boots. Your probably thinking doesn't she realize there are kids out there who need feeding? I do! Any budget fashionista knows that the only way you can buy the expensive items is to take care of them so they last forever (almost). So there it is... the rant. Every blogger (hopefully) has one once in a while. I'm just glad that I got mine over and one with. Til tomorrow...

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Bad Hair Can Make Any Outfit Bad

I have been seeing my (now ex I think?) hairdresser for a year and a half. Ladies out there all know that your relationship with your hairdresser is unique. They always know if you've cheated on them with another hairdresser or if you have screwed your hair over with hot irons and what not. You know there life and they know yours. So to be betrayed by your hairdresser is sickening. I have always loved short hair on myself since my hair was burnt off due to a freak candle accident. (Story for another day) and currently have a cute pixie cut that has grown out a bit to where it could just be considered short. I think I'll have to post a picture one of these days of myself. Anywho about a week and a half before Christmas 2007 I went to get my hair beautified and fresh. I told Nicole* (Protecting her name) that I wanted dark brown with pretty red/auburn highlights in it. Then I showed her a picture of the pixie cut I wanted. The cut turned out great, the color not so. I ended up walking out of there with black hair and fire engine red streaks through my hair. Oh and a $75 dollar bill I wanted to cry. She said that she just pictured me as more of a bad ass biker chic. Let me remind you that I have gone to her a year and a half before this incident and not once have I asked for bad ass. I always go for a classy stylish look. It gets worse... she didn't use a developer on the red so it washed out and now I have black hair with blonde/white streaks where the red use to be. Talk about Cruella DeVil. Now that my hair has recovered from the tragedy, I'm ready for a fresh start in the new year and am wondering if I should give Nicole another chance or find someone new? Leave comments and let me know...

Monday, January 7, 2008

My Fickle Friend

I don't know about you but I have always wondered what makes a person decide to blog. I always thought that it was a little conceited to think that the general public wants to read the rambling thoughts of some random "blogger". So why are you blogging you may ask after reading my opinions on blogging and bloggers. It come down to my friends and family. Here is how it goes...

Me: I need a hobby!
Friend1: No! You need to stop bitching about it and actually find something.
Me: Like what? All I do is go to class when I have to and shop the rest of the time.
Friend2: So... find a hobby that has to do with shopping.
Friend1: Lord knows you do enough shopping to write a book about it.
Friend2: Or a blog!
Me: Ugh! A blog about shopping. That's a subject thats been done to death and then some.
Friend1: So put a new spin on it. You are a fashionista in Nowhere, TX. How many people do you know around here that have Manolo Blahniks, Dior, and every other big name designer in their closet. Plus your going off to law school in a year...
Me: And your point about law school what?
Friend2: Your going to D.C. which is like so awesome and filled with goodies.
Me: Hmm... I might be able to do this.

So now you know! This is my blog, my new hobby, and its going to be filled with the adventures of a (currently) single and stylish Baylor undergrad, and her trials through love, life, friends, and of course fickle fashion.