Thursday, February 7, 2008

At Work

I'm at work right now doing my job as a secretary at Baylor. I am seriously craving some water or something. What do that have to do with this you may ask... Nothing! is the answer. I have been in such a slump lately. This slump was so bad that my mother noticed. I told her I think it was because I haven't been able to do any decent shopping lately. I was told that I shouldn't let shopping influence my mood. Yeah right! Ladies out there and some gents is it not true that when you go shopping and find a great deal that your spirits are bolstered, goose bumps errupt over your arms. Dare I say that it is like great... I guess I don't dare! (Hey! You never know who might read this and what age they might be) Needless to say I need to get shopping. My "dry spell" must be done. Here's to hoping! As always yours...

~Fashion in Nowhere

PS: Spell checker is messing up so sorry about any missed spelling.

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